To be good stewards of the parish's finances, we will NOT be mailing out EOY Contribution Statements.
You can DOWNLOAD your contribution statement by logging into your My Own Church account, St. Angela Merici’s parishioner portal.
Please see Video Instructions for Creating a Login, Downloading EOY Statement and FAQs in the Links below.
To Login and Download your Contribution Statement follow these instructions:
Step 1: Visit
Step 2: Login with your username and password.
Step 3: Click on the "My Offering" tab then click on "Giving History"
Step 4: Then click the “Downloadbutton then click "Statement"
Step 5: The pdf file "Contribution Statement" will be downloaded.
Step 6: Open the .pdf file.
Step 7: If desired, click to print it.
If you need to create a New My Own Church account follow these instructions:
Step 1: Visit click on "New User?"
Step 2: Fill out the New User Registration Form. The Organization can be found under "St. Angela Merici Catholic Church,
Missouri City"
Step 3: Fill out all the information with an *. Click "Submit Registration"
Step 4: You will receive an email with a temporary password from "[email protected]". ***Please check your spam folder.
If you do not receive an email within 1-3 days email Darla Goolsby at [email protected]
Step 5: Return to the login screen and enter your username and temporary password from the email. You will be asked to create a new
password. Please keep your username and new password for your records.
If you have any questions please email Darla Goolsby at [email protected]
If you'd like your EOY statement emailed to you, please complete the form below to request that your end of year statement is emailed to you when it is ready. Statements will be available for emailing on January 31st.