Liturgical Ministries
An orientation or training session is required to participate in any liturgical ministry. Every liturgical ministry volunteer MUST have Safe Environment training according to Archdiocesan Guidelines. For information on how to receive Safe Environment training, Click Here. These sessions are scheduled quarterly and announced through the Grapevine, the Bulletin, and on the parish website.
Altar Guild
Washing and ironing? YES! Someone has to do it. If taking care of laundry is something you find rewarding, this ministry is for you! Members of the Altar Guild care for the altar linens used during all of our Masses. Members of the Altar Guild are scheduled for ministry approximately every other month. Altar Guild Coordinator: Mary Crochet
Altar Server
Boys and girls, who have reached the age of 10, are welcome to participate in this ministry. Altar Servers assist the priest and deacon during the Mass by lighting candles, carrying the ritual books as needed, and most importantly, setting a good example for the rest of the worshipping assembly by their active participation in the liturgy. Altar Server Coordinator: Pius Leung
Art and Environment Team
One part of the experience of hospitality is beauty: A space that is beautiful, objects that are beautiful, elevate the human spirit; welcoming us and welcoming our prayer. We have a team of volunteers who work to adorn the church for the various feasts and seasons, to foster the correct atmosphere and hospitable environment during the liturgy, as the liturgical norms suggest. Art and Environment Coordinator: Diane Valle
Extra-ordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC)
These lay ministers assist the Ordinary ministers of the Eucharist (priests and deacons) with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist to the faithful at Mass, as well as those in the hospital and the homebound.
The Archdiocese requires that all EMHCs be at least 18 years of age or a senior in high school, have received the Sacraments of First Eucharist and Confirmation, are living a life in communion with the teachings of the Catholic Church, and if married, it must be a Catholic marriage. The Church also requires that EMCHs be trained in the basic theology of the Eucharist as well as the proper handling of the Body and Blood of Christ. EHMC Coordinator: Pius Leung
Homebound Ministry
Homebound Ministers provide Christian fellowship, prayer and Holy Communion to parishioners who are homebound. Those in Nursing Homes are visited monthly, along with other Catholics who live there as well. Homebound Ministers are often EMHCs, but if you are not an EMHC and feel a calling to minister to the Homebound, you may be teamed up with an EMHC for Homebound visits. Homebound Ministry Coordinator: Mathew Abraham
Proclaimer of the Word
Proclaimers of the Word give human voice to the word of God in the assembly at Mass.
Those who participate in this ministry should have strong verbal and communication skills, be comfortable reading in front of a large group of people, and possess the willingness to commit oneself to the time, effort and study required for intelligent and sensitive proclamation of the scriptures. Proclaimer of the Word Coordinator: Paula Perry
Sacristans are often referred to as the "caretakers of the sacred liturgy." This ministry involves preparation work for liturgies, funerals, weddings, etc. A main focus for Sunday Sacristans will be ensuring that all ministers needed for the assigned Mass are present and prepared to execute their ministry. Some Sacristan duties are allocated to the Acolyte, but if an Acolyte is not present, the Sacristan will still be responsible for them. Sacristan Coordinator: Maggie Woods/Suzette Acavedo
Usher & Greeter
Ushers and Greeters aid in creating a climate of hospitable worship. It is the responsibility of everyone gathered; however, these particular ministers are called to set an example for the rest of the assembly. Ushers and Greeters serve the assembly in a variety of ways, from greeting the worshipers as they arrive, reaching out to visitors and newcomers with a helpful hand and welcoming smile, and facilitating the collection. The Usher and Greeter Ministry is of utmost importance. Our worship will only be truly hospitable when everyone who gathers for liturgy reaches out to those around them with the love of Christ. There is a variety of responsibilities for this ministry, so men, women, and children of all ages, who have a friendly and outgoing personality, may participate in this ministry. Usher and Greeter Coordinator: Nick Merry
Click Here to sign up for Liturgical Ministeries