All adults wishing to participate in Ministry at St. Angela Merici
must be current with Safe Environment Training. Please update your email to receive notifications from CMGConnect.
Click here to register for online training
The CMGConnect online training replaces the former Safe Environment Program (VIRTUS “Protecting God’s Children”) that was previously offered through our Archdiocese. Individuals are now required to complete all Safe Environment Training online.
CMG connect is a new web-based platform that will assist us to ensure that all employees and volunteers who are in a position of trust with children and vulnerable adults within our schools and parishes are trained to recognize behavior patterns of potential abusers and provide pro-active measures for preventing abuse in any context.
“Safe Haven-It’s Up to You” is a three-part video that provides vignettes of real-life situations to educate the viewer about methods of grooming, desensitization, bullying, and neglect, all of which can lead to abuse. Each part of the video is immediately followed by a brief questionnaire to further develop understanding.
Education is a key element of the Safe Environment program. All clergy, employees, contracted school personnel, volunteers, members of groups, movements, and organizations over the age of 18, who work, volunteer, or participate in any capacity are required to complete the Archdiocesan Safe Environment Training and a criminal background check before they may begin employment, volunteer, or participate with ministries, groups, movements, and organizations.
In addition, the mandatory renewal training must be completed every 5 years and a new background check submitted before the 5-year expiration of prior training. The Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston Safe Environment compliance training and renewal training is a condition of employment and for volunteer ministry in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston.
Safe Environment 5 Year Renewal Training with Background Check
If you have an email address on file, you should receive a reminder message when your account is within 60 days of needing to complete your 5 Year Renewal (based off the date you originally completed Safe Haven training and were certified.) The message will be from [email protected], so you may need to check your Junk/Spam folder. If you have previously completed the “Save Haven-it’s up to you” training, then you will complete the Protecting Vulnerable Adults online training for your renewal. “Protecting Vulnerable Adults” is for those who have completed the 5-year “Safe Haven” training date. This training is an online training, and it is approximately 20 minutes in duration. The training may be completed two (2) months before the Safe Haven expiration date.
If you have never taken the Safe Haven online training, please register to create a new account via CMGConnect at
If you have completed VIRTUS training in the past 5 years, do not create a new account in CMGConnect. You will log-in with your previous personal user id from VIRTUS and enter the password 1234. Once you log into your CMGConnect account, you will be able to change your password. If you do not remember your user id or are unable to log-in, please contact our office at [email protected].
You will be required to complete a criminal background check as part of the registration process. Failure to complete the criminal background check in its entirety will delay the approval process for volunteer service.
Please make sure you enter your legal name as it appears on your Government Issued Id (Driver’s License, State-issued Identification card, Passport, Matrícula Consular).
REPORTING ABUSEThe Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston requires compliance with applicable laws regarding incidents of actual or suspected child abuse including abuse involving child on child conduct. Failure to report suspected physical or mental abuse or neglect of a child in Texas is a crime punishable by fine, imprisonment, or both. PERMISSION TO MAKE A REPORT IS NOT REQUIRED OR EXPECTED. ERR ON THE SIDE OF MAKING A GOOD FAITH REPORT RATHER THAN FAILING TO DO SO. Please see link here for more information: