Breaking Open the Word (BOW) is coming together to share insights of what God speaks to the heart of the person when sharing the Sunday Scripture readings. This is not a teaching session, rather is allowing the Holy Spirit to be expressed through the message the participants got through the week's readings. The role of the BOW catechist is to facilitate the growing relationship between the candidates and the Word of God since they need to learn from our faith community how to appropriate the power of Scripture into their lives.
The person facilitating a BOW session will be provided with a guide to facilitate the session. This session is a space that is provided to candidates to share what the readings speak to them. Some guiding questions for these sessions are:
What did you hear in this week's readings? Is there a specific word or phrase that called your attention?
What are some current events in which the message of the Word of God can be applied?
How can I live up to this message this coming week?